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    Accelerated Reader Certification Levels:

    Ready Reader

    Independent Reader

    Rising Reader

    Super Reader

    Advanced Reader

    Star Reader

    Classic Reader

    To be a#Ready Reader a student needs to accumulate 5 points by taking AR quizzes, either read to, read with, or voice activated, on books that were read through any combination of Read To and Read With.

    Books that are Read To students by parents, grandparents, older siblings, friends, or teachers count, as long as the AR quiz is passed with an 80% or higher.

    Books that are Read With parents, grandparents, older siblings, friends, or teachers also count; again, as long as the AR quiz is passed.

    Reading to and with children before they start school makes a huge impact on how well they do in school. However, it’s never too late to start!

    To be an#Independent Reader, read independently and pass Reading Practice Quizzes for:

    • 3 books
    • 1.2 book level or higher
    • Accumulate 10 points

    The 10 points include the points for these 3 books; other points may be for books Read To or Read With. Books at this level are worth 0.5 points each, (1/2 point).

    Reading Practice quizzes must be passed with an 80% or higher for them to count.

    To be a#Rising Reader, read independently and pass Reading Practice Quizzes for:

    • 3 books
    • 1.6 book level or higher
    • Accumulate 10 points in independent reading

    The 10 points include the points for these 3 books. Most books at this level are worth 0.5 points each, (1/2 point).

    Reading Practice quizzes must be passed with an 80% or higher for them to count.

    To be a#Super Reader, read independently and pass Reading Practice Quizzes for:

    • 3 books
    • 2.0 book level or higher
    • worth 1 point or more each

    Students receive certificates from their teacher for reaching this level, and may reach it up to 4 times, before going on to try for the next level, which is Advanced Reader.

    To be an#Advanced Reader, read independently and pass Reading Practice Quizzes for:

    • 3 books
    • 3.0 book level or higher
    • worth 2 points or more each

    Students receive certificates from their teacher for reaching this level, and may reach it up to 4 times, before going on to try for the next level, which is Star Reader.

    To be a#Star Reader, read independently and pass Reading Practice Quizzes for:

    • 3 books
    • 4.0 book level or higher
    • worth 4 points or more each

    Students receive certificates from their teacher for reaching this level, and may reach it up to 4 times, before going on to try for the highest level, which is Classic Reader.

    To be a#Classic Reader, read independently and pass Reading Practice Quizzes for:

    • 3 books
    • 6.0 book level or higher
    • worth 7 points or more each

    Students receive certificates from their teacher for reaching this level, which is the highest certification level one can reach in our Accelerated Reader program.

    Anyone who reaches this level should be very proud of their accomplishment.

    You are Awesome Readers!!!